
Don't Take our Words! Hear What They Say About Us.

“Joining Second Chance Ballet has been one of the most fortunate things that happened to me when I first came to Belfast in 2019, and it has been an indispensable part of my life here ever since. From the Friday night classes, to our Nutcracker performance in 2020 and then the zoom classes during lockdown and back to Friday classes this year, SCB has been my ballet family and a time where I can relax and focus on music and movement. What I love the most is the openness: everybody is welcome irrespective of their level, beginner, intermediate or advanced!”

— Maria Pantelidou —

“I searched for a long time to find a ballet class for adults in Belfast. When I found SCB I was welcomed with smiles and made to feel part of the group, we all learned (and laughed) together. Through attending class I have gained strength, fitness, and flexibility. Our teacher is patient and encouraging. Now there is no place I would rather be on a Friday night, I look forward to class after a busy week. It’s been wonderful to meet so many new people. An experience to treasure!”

— Rachel Brady —

“Joining Second Chance Ballet has been one of my happiest decisions in recent years. The class has not only helped me to rediscover my love of dance, but also to make new friends and find a way to completely switch off and unwind after a busy week! Our Friday evening classes quickly became a highlight of the week, and I’d encourage anyone considering joining to give it a chance – we’d love to have you join our Ballet family!”

— Paula Dunlop —

“Taking up ballet again as an adult is one of the best things I have ever done. Chee Shong and everyone in Second Chance Ballet is so welcoming and classes have a wonderful warm, fun atmosphere. I have made so many great friends and have loved the opportunity to perform too. Dancing and having a fabulous ballet family is good for soul!”

— Jane Waugh —

“Second Chance Ballet is a welcoming group. I always wanted to dance but didn’t start until I was in my 20s. Although many of the others have been dancers from childhood they accept everyone and help you to improve. Chee Shong is an amazing teacher, he pushes you to be better without you ever feeling that you can’t do it. Being a snowflake in The Nutcracker was one of the best experiences, I was a real ballerina for a day. If you’ve always wanted to be a dancer, this is the place to be.”

— Danielle Shipman —

“This class means so much to me. When I walk into the studio I can leave my anxiety at the door and the rest of the world disappears. Being surrounded by such lovely people I feel like I can be myself.”

— Donna Nicholl —

“Since joining Second Chance Ballet it has helped me both physically and mentally with the music and the ballet techniques. The friendship within the ballet family is amazing.”

— Meta —

“Friday is the best day of the week because it is ballet day with Second Chance Ballet. Classes are challenging and fun at the same time. It is such a good feeling to step into the studio together with other people feeling just as passionate about ballet. The quality of teaching is second to none. Chee Shong is a wonderful teacher, so knowledgeable about all the technical intricacies of ballet and always giving us tips about how to improve. He sees everything, which literally keeps us on our toes, but always does corrections in a considerate, non-threatening way. Whatever age we are, we all strive to become better dancers, sweating, but also laughing together. It has also been a fantastic experience to prepare for shows and perform on stage. This experience has bonded us even more as a group of dancers of all ages, from all over the world and with various previous experiences of ballet. I feel so privileged to be part of Second Chance Ballet. It is not only an excellent way to keep myself fit but also to keep sane after a busy week at work, doing what I love best with a group of great people!”

— Carole Martin —

“There is not only good energy amongst the dancers in these classes but the choreography and musicality make you want to outperform. Chee Shong corrects generally and always with humour so you build on skills easily and naturally.   These are special dance classes in Belfast.”

— Susan Simpson —

“Chee Shong is a great teacher who gives you great advice on how to improve your technique but also has great fun with it. His classes are meditative and helps you to switch off from a stressful and busy week. The camaraderie of the students is second to none and His classes is the highlight of my week.”

— Geraldine Anderson —

“I grew up with the assumption that ballet was only for certain groups of people and that it was very much unobtainable but that was until I started dancing with Second Chance Ballet. Such a warm group of people who encourage, rather than critique but with the emphasis very much on improvement and being gently driven to go beyond what you might think is the bar (or barre!) that you might set yourself. The real cherry on top of the cake (that we like to indulge in, in our social get-togethers), is the opportunity to perform. The perception of adult ballet has changed and it is now being taken more seriously than ever before and is especially important in this moment in time, as I can testify to the multifarious health benefits, physiologically, psychologically and emotionally to the marriage of athleticism to artistry. Of course, there are days when you leave the studio and it has not gone well at all but then there is also the benefit of adult ballet, and especially performance, teaching you resilience, a determination to get better and improve and next week will always be better and there is always something to learn. I have even, in my mid-40s, been able to add pointe work to my skills. I definitely did not think this was possible, especially with never having experienced ballet in my youth but I may never look like Marianela Nunez or receive a call up from the Royal Ballet but maybe my dream could always come true, dancing a pas-de-deux, in the arms of Roberto Bolle…!”

— Ruth McKittrick —

“I was watching TV one night when a program on ballet came on hosted by Dame Darcey Bussel. Well I thought I ll watch this! All about the importance of dance in people’s lives, the program introduced to me the concept of Silver Swans and Second Chance ballet. I looked it up in Belfast and Bingo! There it was! I started ballet classes with Chee Shong and was immediately hooked. Learning to move to music in this interesting, beautiful way was a revelation and I felt uplifted right from the beginning. I had a feeling of coming home, of doing something I always wanted to do but didn’t even know it. What a great part of my life it has become. The thought of getting back to ballet kept me going through lock down. And I was able to keep in touch with everyone through Chee Shong’s on- line classes which he provided every week out of sheer goodness. The support and craic from our WhatsApp group was invaluable and we now are working towards our second performance tackling Sleeping Beauty. I really have to up my game! Challenging? Yes but such fun!”

— Kathy Hamill — 

“The Silver Swans class at Second Chance Ballet has encouraged us to be just that, graceful with very busy feet.

Many of the Silver Swans came as complete novices to ballet and, over the last few years, CheeShong Soon has worked patiently with us, always with very good humour. This he often uses to illustrate what ‘not to do’ in carrying out basic movements at the barre and in performance on stage. Classes are great fun and totally absorbing.

Patricia Robinson is another inspirational teacher, whose enthusiasm for all things ballet is infectious.

I would really recommend this class for any seniors wishing to promote their physical and mental health and to meet other like-minded people.”

—  Barbara McDermott —

“I first saw Silver Swans/Second Chance Ballet on morning television and thought I would love to be part of that. A short time later I heard about classes being held by CheeShong at The Cresent Art Centre and joined the class for beginners. 

My mother was ill for most of my childhood and she died when I was twelve as a result many of the things my friends were able to go to, my sister and I were not so these classes were catching up on time. 
It has been a way to make new friends, keep joints moving to wonderful music and even given the chance by lovely, patient CheeShong to take part in a performance of ‘The Nutcracker’  Yes, really!!”

— Muriel (70yrs) —

“Second Chance Ballet is more than just a dance class for me. I’ve made new friends, become part of a fantastic Ballet community and have had the opportunity to perform on stage. It’s a space where I can go to feel creative, develop my ballet skills and learn more about dance. Whether it’s CheeShong’s Friday night class, a show rehearsal, or the thrill of performing together on stage, Second Chance Ballet has enriched my life.”

— Karina Moore —